Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Summer Homework 2013




Summer School Homework


Reading Book

·         Read “Did You Know?” on page 152.

·         Read “Finding Facts at the Theater” on page 202 at the bottom of the page

Answer the 7 Stop and Think questions at the bottom of each page


·         Read “Leroy” on page 252

·         Read “Spiders without Webs” on page 272

·         Read “Trip to Mars” on page 302

Answer the 7 Stop and Think questions at the bottom of each page


Have fun reading the stories and remember to practice reading aloud to improve your fluency and pronunciation!!!!



Saturday, June 2, 2012


Dear students,

                  Reconciliation means to forget, forgive and do good to others.

                 The following stories have many values to imitate. The first one, Fern and Her Friends Clean Up, shows how important it is to cooperate and to take care of the environment. The second one, Pocahontas, shows how necessary it is to be friendly, to look for peace in the middle of a conflict, and to live in harmony.

                   Choose one of the stories below. Practice it. Then, retell it in your own words. 

                   Remember: "always do your best". 

Fern and Her Friends Clean Up

Click on the link and listen to the story. Then, read aloud. Practice it several times.

Fern is out walking in the woods with Poppy. It is a beautiful day and they are enjoying themselves very much.
Then Fern sees something lying in the grass. It is a scrap of paper. Poppy also sees something. It is a tin can.
Soon the friends see pieces of paper, cans, plastic bottles, and glass jars all over the woods. It is terrible!
Quickly, Fern and Poppy go to their friend’s houses to tell them about the mess in the woods.
Acorn, Holly, and Willow get lots of bags and they follow Fern and Poppy to the place in the woods that has been messed up.
Fern picks up all the pieces of paper and puts them into a bag, and Holly collects all the plastic bottles and puts them into a bag too.
Willow collects all the metal cans, and Poppy collects all the glass jars.
The friends have collected a lot of garbage. What are they going to do with it all?
Quickly, Fern runs home and she brings her wheelbarrow to the cleaned up woods.
The friends push the wheelbarrow to the recycling center. Good job everyone!


Click on the link and listen to the story. Then, read aloud. Practice it several times.

Over 400 years ago, there was a young girl named Matoaka. Matoaka was a Native American who belonged to the Powhatans tribe.
She was funny and bright. She was also very curious and clever. Her nickname was Pocahontas, which means “playful”.
Pocahontas and the other Powhatans lived in what we now call the state of Virginia.
When Pocahontas was a young girl, many settlers from England came to her country.
“Look at those huge sailing ships! They are amazing!”
“I think they are scary looking. I don´t  like them.”
Many of the other Powhatans did not like the settlers from England. Some were afraid of the English. Some Powhatans even thought the English were devils.
“Chief Powhatan, we must kill these English settlers. If we do not kill them, they will kill us. They are evil. Even their weapons spit fire.”
But Pocahontas was not afraid of the English settlers, and she did not think they were evils. In fact, she became friends with the English settlers.
One day while walking near the village, she met Captain Smith. Captain Smith was one of the leaders of the settlement.
“What are you doing with that long stick?”, she said.
“I am hunting for wild animals”, he replied.
“Why don’t you try these berries and this corn?”, she asked
“Mmm, they are delicious. Thank you,” he answered.
One day, the English settlers and the Powhatan warriors began to fight. It was very bad. Some of the settlers died and some of the Powhatan warriors died.
The Powhatans captured Captain John Smith and were going to kill him.
“You and your people are evil. We do not want you here. We want your people to go home”, said the chief of the tribe.
“No father! Do not kill him! He is my friend. He is not evil and his people are not evil. They can  be our friends.”
Pocahontas convinced her father to let Captain John Smith return to his people.
After that, Pocahontas became a very good friend with the English settlers. She helped make peace between the settlers and the Powhatans.